Saturday, November 15, 2008

NOT Excited for School

For once in my college career I am not looking forward to going back to school, and I think you will sympathize with me for the following reasons...
1.) I will be pulled apart from my puppy again for 5 weeks
2.) I won't be able to sit around in my pajamas ALL day
3.) My classes are going to be so time-sucking that I won't get to go out that much
4.) No more Second Life because my laptop dosn't support it...and if it did the internet is too crap to allow me to move in it.
5.)Possible blog neglect because my attention span logarithmically declines.

I think 5 is enough.

Tomorrow I'm leaving around 10:30-11 am, so no sleeping in because I have not PACKED, looked for ANYTHING that I need to pack but hadn't gathered for packing, or balanced my checkbook. And I still need to take a shower. AND by the time I wake up it's 9:30 because my bed(although nice a large) has incompetent pillows on it that hinder my sleep.

Which reminds me- I have been having AWFUL nightmares almost EVERY night. I think it's because I've been eating before I've gone to bed. Last night my first nightmare was a repeat of me being chased by something through a house...i don't remember it well. Then I had another but I don't remember it and then another which I do remember. I was eating chicken legs. CHICKEN. And if you've forgotten I'm still a vegetarian. So I'm just chomping away at them and somebody says "Amanda, why are you eating chicken?I thought you were a vegetarian?"
And I just drop it down on my plate and say "I'm eating chicken?!" As if I was fucking blind. My dreams never cease to amaze me. There's this really creepy one I had but there's no way I want to describe all of it.

I've been enjoying all the chemically enriched foods in my house and I'm going to continue until tomorrow. Then it's vegan time! I should look back in my blog to see if I wrote about it last year. It was not a good experience, but I think I'll do fine this first week and a half.

Welll I should get going and do some of my chores before it gets too late. Write to you when I'm back at school!