Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

1. To stop saying "gay". I hate the people that say it and some how I've become one of them. I need to find a new word. My brother recomended "Dumb Shit".

2. To start working out and stick to it. I'm realizing that the way I've stayd so thin and muscular all these years were the 2 hours of dance team every day. I never realized how much it helped. Adam wants to workout too so I think we'll make a good work out team.

3. Let people get close to me. Tell them how I really feel and what's going on.

4. Get at least a 3.5 GPA. I got a 3.33 last term...almost there.

* All of this will start next week when I'm at school. Me and three of my best friends are doing a raw food diet for at least a week. i wanna try to go for a month but maybe I should just stick with 2 weeks.