Thursday, June 28, 2007

Coffee Time


This morning I went for like the first time in weeks and had some coffeeeeee! So now I'm in this caffiene euphoria and I just want to go do something! I want to dress up and look cute and go have fun with friends! I want to go see a movie or just walk around somewhere! I just want to get out of this house! I really want to go for a bike ride tonight. I really don't have much to blog about since I havent been doing anything...but i only have a week left till i go on my trip! My friend and i are going to go and get our nails done before. I'm just excciiitteeeddd. AND the fourth is coming up...but i dont have any plans or fireworks...and I'll probably be working anyway. That would be a great day to work. Too many people would be busy partying to think about their pets. I'm bored now, so bye.