Friday, May 22, 2009


I'm Home.
No job.
Period came.wooo.
Wont see Adam till Monday.
To afraid to go out into the real world
when you feel like such a failure.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Revolutionary Road

I cannot fall asleep. It's not really that surprising. Going to sleep by myself is so hard. Tonight is a little different though. I saw Revolutionary Road at my school theater. I read the book this winter and loved it. I loved the movie too. It was just depressing. As the book was too. So now I'm sad and cannot fall asleep.

Today I threw up my dinner. I hadn't for awhile. I threw up lunch yesterday. I'm so tired of not being who I want to be.

I'm tired of my roommate. One reason I can't wait for summer.

I feel like I need to cry.

My jaw hurts. I've been clamping my jaw all day and I dont know why.

My head is just tired. But my mind isn't.

Maybe I'll just work on my psych paper.